Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Walk In The Park

After running into an old friend today at a birthday party and telling her she should start her own blog because she has such a diverse background and so much to share with others, I thought to myself, "Why not me? Why not now?"

As I shape the direction I want this to take, I'm sure it will eventually take on one general theme. So forgive me if my initial thoughts seem to be held together by glue rather than cohesive thoughts.

When did my son get so big? I stumbled across the attached profile picture of him and I walking through a park in Parkland, Florida when he wasn't even two years old yet. He's getting so big so fast, and yet, he's still my little boy. He's been a great big brother to his sister, who hasn't gotten any teeth yet, let alone started fully crawling.

He's something else, that kid. I managed to lock myself out of the house the other morning with him AND my daughter inside (as we were getting ready to leave for daycare). After my life flashed before my eyes, I began frantically knocking on the door. No answer. I knocked louder. No answer. I knocked even louder. Then I heard a voice, "Daddy?" I pleaded with my son to let me in.

Naturally, he turned the bolt the wrong way and I somehow managed not to panic. I encouraged him to turn the bolt back the other way and then turn the door knob (which always opens from the inside). Sure enough, he did it, and I gave him a huge hug and told him how proud I was of him. He then said to me, "Daddy, I thought you were a stranger." That my four year old knew not to let me in without checking thoroughly first really made me feel good as a parent, and also made me realize that perhaps my wife and I are doing something right.

It's moments like these that make me treasure every walk in the park I've ever taken with him, and makes me appreciate how lucky I am to have two happy, healthy kids and a wife who is my soulmate.

Now if I could just get him to share the computer with me a little more - those darn Webkinz!

1 comment:

Deblyn98 said...

Very well said! Your kids sound adorable and they should be! Sounds like you're raisin em right and should be proud!