Sunday, September 7, 2008

Boundless Energy

As I get older, I am finding that while I still keep the same crazy hours I always have (i.e. 4-5 hours of sleep per day), I may be slowing down just a bit. In this picture of my daughter Riley and me, I think I'm ready for a nap. Riley, on the other hand, seems to be picking up my mantra at an early age.

Riley is 8 1/2 months old now (once again, evidence that TIME FLIES), and she is so different than Bailey ever was. As evidence of this:

1) She refuses to let me feed her without her grabbing her jar of food and getting her hands all filled with peas and stuff. Bailey was never a Grabby McGee!

2) She fights sleep at all costs. While this is similar to my schedule, I don't fight sleep - I just don't sleep. She will close her eyes and then force herself awake - we caught her doing this at Disney the other night, and it was really funny.

3) She is a lot more vocal than Bailey ever was at this age. While Bailey will not stop talking NOW, I don't recall Bailey making so many "ma ma ma ma ma" "ba ba ba ba ba" sounds at this age.

4) She tricked us in the van today on the way home - we thought she was hungry because she wouldn't stop crying, and when I stopped the car in Boynton Beach so Sara could feed her, she instead decided she wanted to play with Sara instead of eat and she kept cracking herself up about it. Sneaky little thing, my daughter.

5) Last but not least, she always cracks up around Bailey. Of course, I do too, but that's a totally different story.

Oh, to be that young again and be able to have that kind of energy. I miss those days!

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