Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Wife Doesn't Have to Dress Up on Halloween - She IS Wonder Woman!

I can't believe it's been five weeks since I last had some thoughts to type here. Half of that was because I was busy and the other half is because, for those who don't know, I tore my left achilles tendon on Friday October 17 and have been on bedrest ever since. My surgery to repair it was on Wednesday October 22 and I have a doctor's appointment later today to get fitted for a cast so I can hopefully start getting back into the swing of things. My boss was kind enough to lend me a laptop this week so I could start getting back into the swing of things little by little.
My thanks to all of my friends from Twitter, Facebook, work life and real life (lol) who have continually checked in on me, who are praying for me, and who want to know if there's anything they can do to help. I appreciate all the sentiments and am so glad I have such great friends and so many people who care about me and my well-being.
That being said, I don't need anything. Want to know why? Because MY WIFE IS WONDER WOMAN:
She has somehow managed to A) Get both kids ready for school (something I usually do), B) Leave me lunch by the side of our bed so I don't starve, C) Drop off the kids in the morning (something I usually do), D) Go to school to teach her 4th grade Rugrats, E) Check on me during the day, F) Pick up Both kids, G) Come home and work on the house (something I help out with) while I spend time watching tv with the kids, H) Make dinner for all of us, I) Bathe the kids (something I normally do), J) Dress them for bed (something i normally do), and K) Tuck the kids in for bed (something I normally do).
How she is doing all of this with a chipper outlook and no complaints, I'll never know. I truly married a special woman. I always knew that. I just didn't know that I married Wonder Woman.
So honey, in case I haven't said it enough...I love you more than words can say. You mean the world to me. Just tell me WHY you've kept this secret identity hidden for so many years!

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